Press releases

Financial reports

Prior financial reports

Interim Financial Report January - September 2019

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Annual Report 2019

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Annual Report 2018

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Annual Report 2017

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Annual Report 2016

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Financial calendar

Year-End Report 2024

Will be published on March 5, 2025

Annual Report 2024

Will be published on March 26, 2025

Interim Financial Report January - March 2025

Will be published on April 25, 2025

Annual General Meeting

May 8, 2025

Interim Financial Report January - June 2025

Will be published on August 19, 2025

Interim Financial Report January - September 2025

Will be published on October 24, 2025

Year-End Report 2025

Will be published on March 4, 2026

Financial targets

  • Idun’s target is at least 15 percent growth in operating profit EBITA per year, where about 5 percent from organic growth, and the excess part from company acquisitions
  • The financial net debt in relation to operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) should be less than 3.5x over time
  • The Group’s profits and available cash flow shall primarily be reinvested in the business and / or used for new acquisitions of Group companies. Idun aims to distribute a maximum of 10 percent of the profit for the year adjusted for goodwill amortization

Articles of Association

Idun Industrier AB (publ)
(Reg. No. 556924-7009)

§ 1 Name of Company
The Company’s name is Idun Industrier AB (publ).

§ 2 Registered office
The Company’s registered office shall be situated in Stockholm.

§ 3 Object of the Company’s business
The object of the Company’s business is to, directly or indirectly, own and manage real and movable properties, primarily shares, and any other activities compatible therewith. The Company shall also provide advisory services in relation to financing, accounting, business and related areas, as well as let office space.

§ 4 Share capital
The share capital shall be not less than SEK 500,000 and not more than SEK 2,000,000.

§ 5 Number of shares
The number of shares shall be not less than 7,000,000 not more than 28,000,000.

§ 6 Financial year
The Company’s financial year shall be the calendar year.

§ 7 Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall consist of not less than three and not more than seven members, with not less than zero and not more than seven deputy board members.

§ 8 Auditor
The Company shall have one or two auditors. A registered accounting firm may be appointed as Auditor.

§ 9 Notice of general meeting
Notice of general meetings shall be made by an announcement in the Official Swedish Gazette (Sw. Post- och Inrikes Tidningar) and by making the notice available on the Company’s website. The Company shall advertise in Dagens Industri that notice have been made.

§ 10 Right to participate at general meetings
Those who wish to attend a general meeting must give notice of attendance to the Company no later than the day set out in the notice to attend the general meeting. This day may not be a Sunday, other public holiday, Saturday, Midsummer’s Eve, Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve and must not be earlier than the fifth weekday prior to the general meeting. A shareholder may bring along one or two assistants at general meeting of shareholders, however, only if the shareholder has reported this in accordance with the preceding paragraph.

§ 11 Matters at annual general meeting
The following matters shall be addressed at annual general meeting:

  1. election of a chairman of the meeting;
  2. preparation and approval of the voting list;
  3. approval of the agenda;
  4. election of one or two persons who shall approve the minutes of the meeting;
  5. determination of whether the meeting was duly convened;
  6. submission of the annual report and the Auditors’ report and, where applicable, the consolidated financial statements and the Auditors’ report for the Group;
  7. resolutions regarding: a) the adoption of the income statement and the balance sheet and, when applicable, the consolidated income statement and the consolidated balance sheet; b) allocation of the Company’s profit or loss in accordance with the adopted balance sheet; c) discharge of the Members of the Board of Directors and Managing Director from liability.
  8. determination of the number of members of the Board of Directors and auditors;
  9. determination of fees for members of the Board of Directors and the Auditors;
  10. election of the Members of the Board of Directors and the Auditors; and
  11. other matters which are set out in the Swedish Companies Act or the company’s articles of association.

§ 12 Different classes of shares
The Company may issue shares of two classes, class A and class B. Each share of class A shall carry ten votes, and each share of class B shall carry one vote. Shares of either class may be issued up to an amount corresponding to the entire share capital.

In the event of new issues of shares, warrants and convertibles where payment is not to be made by contribution in kind, holders of shares of class A and class B shall enjoy pre-emption rights to subscribe for new shares of the same class pro rata to the number of shares previously held by them (primary pre-emption right). Shares which are not subscribed for pursuant to the primary pre-emption rights shall be offered to all shareholders (secondary pre-emption right). If the shares thus offered are not sufficient for the subscription pursuant to the secondary pre-emption rights, the shares shall be allocated between the subscriber’s pro rata to the number of shares previously held and, to the extent such allocation cannot be effected, by the drawing of lots.

The above shall not limit the right to resolve upon an issue with a deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emption rights.

§ 13 Conversion clause

It shall be possible to reclassify Class A shares to Class B shares. Holders of Class A shares shall be entitled to request that all or part of the shareholder’s Class A shares shall be reclassified to Class B shares. A majority representing more than half of all issued Class A shares shall also be entitled to request that all Class A shares be reclassified to Class B shares, or that part of all Class A shares be reclassified to Class B shares. When reclassifying a part of all Class A shares, reclassification shall be made pro rata in relation the shareholders’ holdings of Class A shares. The request shall be made in writing to the Board of Directors. The request shall state the number of Class A shares that the majority wants to reclassify. The Board of Directors shall, within three months of the request for reclassification, consider the question of reclassification. Immediately thereafter, the Board of Directors shall report the reclassification to the Swedish Companies Register (Sw. Bolagsverket) for registration. The reclassification is effected when it has been registered and the reclassification been noted in the CSD Register.

§ 14 Central securities depository
The Company’s shares shall be registered in a central securities depository register pursuant to the Swedish Central Securities Depositaries and Financial Instruments Accounts Act.

§ 15 Proxy collection, postal voting and the presence of visitors at the General Meeting

Persons not being shareholders of the Company shall be entitled, on the conditions stipulated by the Board of Directors, to attend or in any other manner follow the proceedings at a General Meeting.

The Board of Directors may collect proxies pursuant to the procedure stated in Chapter 7, Section 4, second paragraph of the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551).

The Board of Directors may decide before a General Meeting that the shareholders shall be entitled to exercise their voting rights before the General Meeting by post pursuant to the procedure stated in Chapter 7, Section 4 a of the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551).

Sustainability and Code of Conduct


This code of conduct is applicable for all companies and employees within the Idun Group. This code describes how we expect managers, employees and suppliers to work and comply with international conventions linked to human rights, working conditions and principles regarding sustainability, anti-corruption and corporate governance. The code is intended to serve as a guide for our employees. Assessment and adjustment of the code is made on a group level.

Fundamental principles for Idun

  • Comply with local laws and regulations in the countries where we operate
  • Stimulate and encourage sustainable business development in guidelines, decisions and activities
  • Implement this code of conduct in our internal processes


  • Business principles - Idun believes in the long-term perspective and the importance of good business ethics and that employees act ethically in their work, in relationship with our stakeholders and the society
  • Human rights – Idun believes that employees, partners and other stakeholders should be treated equally and with respect
  • Sustainability – Idun believes that a sustainable business development is a key to our continued operations
  • Responsibility – It is the responsibility of every employee to comply with local laws, good business practice and this code


The overall goal with Idun’s work with sustainability is to contribute to and support a long-term sustainable society. Idun and our Group companies should follow and act in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. In addition, try to integrate the bullets below in our internal processes. To reduce our footprint we try to:

  • Offer products to our customers that consist of recyclable material and without harmful additives. To achieve this goal, we need to have a continuous dialogue with our customers and suppliers
  • Buy and promote a sustainable supply chain in order to limit the environmental impact on society
  • Promote environmental responsibility by encouraging our suppliers and customers to join international initiatives to promote a sustainable society
  • Optimize our energy consumption, not only in our own production and in relation to our transports, but also by developing energy-efficient solutions for our customers
  • Limit the environmental impact of our waste and air emissions
  • Educate our employees in environmental-related issues
  • Reduce negative environmental impact in our processes
  • Choosing logistics partners who conduct their business sustainably and in line with our own work and goals

Human rights and worker’s rights

  • Idun supports and respects internationally recognized human rights. All individuals shall be treated with respect for their dignity and integrity and the same opportunities shall apply to all regardless of ethnicity, nationality, gender, transgender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion or any other belief, political opinion, disability, age, or any other characteristic that needs protection according to applicable law
  • Idun does not accept any form of mental or physical punishment, threat of punishment, discrimination, bullying, sexual or other form of harassment
  • Idun strongly opposes all forms of forced labour including slavery, penal servitude, human trafficking and child labour
  • The employee must be given the opportunity for an annual performance review. The responsibility for carrying out the development interview is shared between the employee and manager
  • Wages and benefits shall be competitive. Commitment and responsibility shall be rewarded
  • We believe in an open and transparent dialogue between the employee and the manager
  • Our managers must act respectfully, take responsibility and act when needed
  • We strive towards a safe and pleasant working environment with a balance between professional and private life
  • We expect all employees to come to work sober and unaffected. All employees must therefore refrain from any alcohol or drug abuse that could affect their work
  • Our employees have the right to join or form an association, to organize themselves and to negotiate, collectively or individually. No employee shall risk harassment or retaliation for exercising these rights
  • We treat people fairly, do not accept any discrimination, promote diversity, conduct our business ethically and support our employees’ right to organize. We also comply with laws, regulations and guidelines


  • We have zero tolerance for all forms of corruption, such as illegal payments, bribery, kickbacks or any other form of dubious inducements to influence any business transaction
  • We expect all employees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in all locations where we conduct business
  • Suspicions of corruption must always be investigated and reported to the police
  • All employees must conduct business in a legal and ethical manner
  • We want our partners to know that we conduct business with zero tolerance for corruption. A practice that is against our guidelines may be considered acceptable in a particular country but that does not mean it is acceptable for Idun

Information disclosure and communication

The Company’s communication has the overall goal of strengthening trust in the Company and its management. Well-functioning communication promotes the Company’s business operations by:

  • Strengthen confidence in business concept, goals and strategies
  • Increase knowledge of our operations and our Group Companies
  • Provide the financial market with knowledge so that the financial instrument’s rate fairly reflects the Company’s qualities and values
  • Strengthen trust in management, employees and owners
  • Engage the employees in the Company’s development
  • Facilitate the recruitment of key employees

The principal rule for Idun’s information disclosure is that the Company must inform the public as soon as possible about insider information that directly affects the Company and that such information must be made public to all target groups at the same time

All employees are expected to handle all company information carefully. If they do not know with certainty that certain information does not affect the price or has been made public, they may not spread information about Idun or the Group. More information can be found in Idun’s complete information policy


The overall purpose is to encourage employees to report incidents or concerns without risk of discrimination or punishment. This allows employees to raise serious concerns they have about something affecting Idun or the Group, rather than overlooking a problem or seeking a solution to the problem outside the Group. Idun encourages our employees to live up to this by:

  • Submission of data; opportunity to alert management to possible illegal and unethical behaviour

Idun must protect all employees who choose to disclose or raise concerns if the employee:

  • Discloses the information in good faith
  • Believes that it is substantially true
  • Does not act maliciously or make false allegations
  • Does not seek any personal or financial gain
  • Idun must also handle all information with confidentiality and anonymity

To submit a report, please contact Oskar Samuelsson, who is responsible for the whistleblowing function at Idun, by e-post: or by phone: +46 70 966 13 25. Reports can be submitted anonymously if desired.

ESG questionnaire

We receive several sustainability questions from investors, and to facilitate investors’ analysis of our sustainability work, we have compiled answers to a number of questions. The questions are taken from Carnegie’s and Spiltan’s joint initiative “ESG questionnaire”.

General industry

• The industry’s three biggest sustainability-related challenges according to (the company) and briefly describe the process for identifying these challenges:

  1. Sustainability management in a decentralized group
  2. Environmental and climate impact
  3. To offer a secure and equal workplace for all group employees

Idun’s management performed work where a series of challenges were identified and the above were assessed as the biggest challenges.

• Does (the company) have Science Based Targets, reports to the CDP or engages in any other relevant sustainability initiatives?

  1. Science Based Targets: No
  2. CDP: No
  3. Other: Yes. Many group companies have ongoing initiatives and work aimed at improving sustainability aspects in their respective businesses.

• Have you conducted any preliminary assessments of your company in relation to the EU Taxonomy? If so, what was the outcome?



• List (the company)’s three primary risks related to climate change and list, if any, (the company)’s climate-related opportunities:

Idun has not identified any individual major risk in terms of climate change that could have a significant negative impact on the environment or the Group in the short- and medium term. Some companies use oil-based products in their production, but gradually replace them where possible with recycled or more environmentally friendly alternatives. Some of the group companies have an offering with distinct sustainability advantages over alternatives, which poses an opportunity (including for example TURAB – renewable energy/hydropower and BIA oil- and petrol separators).

  1. Risks associated with climate change are, for example, that demand for products and services may change as a result of climate change that has occurred or is expected.
  2. Climate change can also lead to changes in legislation that can affect our companies.
  3. A third risk associated with the area is that companies that do not succeed in changing in step with changing market conditions are likely to lose competitiveness and demand.

Other climate-related opportunities

  1. Investments in companies with sustainable business models
  2. Make existing Group Companies’ products and services more sustainable
  3. Take advantage of the rapidly increasing demand in society for products and services that contribute positively to development from a sustainability perspective

• Does (the company) have climate-related investments?

Climate-related investments are being made continuously in our Group Companies. Everything from producing in more sustainable materials to e.g. more resource-efficient energy use, change of energy type in terms of e.g. heating, investments in electricity production (e.g. solar panels and other initiatives to improve the sustainability aspect of energy generation in the companies; such have taken place in several companies), systematic work to reduce emission levels and environmental impact of various kinds. The issue is a priority and we make climate-related investments every year.

• Circular economy: How are purchases and waste managed? Does (the company) rely on any scarce resources for its operations? What efforts are made to mitigate the risk of those resources becoming even more scarce in the future?

Some of our companies have an environmental certification (ISO 14001) and for companies where purchases and waste are assessed as significant, purchases and waste are addressed. At Group level, we do not to date have this information comprehensively compiled.

The Business Area Manufacturing consists of ten companies that mainly manufacture industrial products that are produced with input goods such as metal, plastic and wood. None of the companies is highly dependent on any raw material for which there is a general shortage. However, efficient resource utilization is central so that shortcomings do not arise, and for e.g. the business footprint of a business should be as limited as possible. We have a number of processes and activities ongoing relating to substitution (e.g. substitution of plastic pulp made from fossil raw materials, in favor of different types of bioplastics and recycled plastic) and reuse of materials (e.g. Orrtorp Granit which is the Group Company BIA’s registered trademark for recycled raw materials from own and external production that is used as input and thus reduces waste).

• Transition-related risks: Does (the company) anticipate any risks or opportunities due to the transition to a carbon-neutral society? Is there any risk of the firm’s offer being negatively effected? If yes, is (the company) well positioned to handle that risk?

Our decentralized control model often gives us the opportunity to quickly adjust to changing external- or market conditions. We see that through the control model we can act faster than some of our competitors and thus strengthen our offering.

As Idun through the Group Companies offers a wide range of products and services, Idun believes that we have greater opportunities than certain competitors with a more focused product and / or service range to handle transition-related risks.

Several businesses have the opportunity to benefit from the transition to a more carbon-neutral society, such as TURAB, which renovates and manufactures hydropower turbines for fossil-free energy production. Several businesses are also exposed to risks in the area, such as Prident, where despite an increasing share of bio and recycled materials in the products and a more sustainable production than most alternatives, may meet increased skepticism towards plastic in general, or where the customer does not understand the difference.

• Disclose Scope 1, 2 & 3 GHG emissions. If not available, do you have a time plan for when to start reporting?

Idun does not report according to GHG today, but aims to report scopes 1, 2 and 3 within two years.

• Have you set a target to become climate neutral? If so, how have you defined carbon neutrality?


• List (the company)’s primary means of making a positive environmental impact or minimising negative environmental impact. List the corresponding UN SDGs. What proportion of sales can be directly linked to selected UN SDGs?

Several of Idun’s Group Companies manufacture products and / or offer services that directly contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and / or in other ways have a positive environmental impact. About 50% of TURAB’s sales come from service, maintenance and renovation of existing hydropower installations. Often, by renovating (often restoring the renovated turbine or related equipment in new condition) an existing obsolete installation, TURAB can avoid major environmental interventions. New installations with standard turbines can lead to e.g. that the entire building needs to be demolished and replaced. There is also the same effect on the new production side, where the new turbine is tailored to fit the existing building and installation (rather than using a standard turbine). Demand for green energy is rising dramatically, and hydropower is an important component in Swedish fossil-free energy production and for the energy balance. This is exclusively a replacement market where existing installations are replaced (rather than new establishment or exploitation of untouched watercourses). Prowash was the first in Sweden to introduce “Svanenmärkt” ecolabelled car washes where water is reused and cleaned. The company has a long history which shows that water quality often improves when the company takes over a facility from an alternative supplier. BIA Cleantech’s oil separator captures fossil fuels that are spilled from vehicles and go into storm water. Intermercato manufactures crane scales that are used in, among other things, material handling and recycling, where it is known how much material has been loaded on the truck with high precision and during movement, which leads to more efficient material handling and higher resource utilization. Idun has not linked the work to the SDGs.


• Does (the company) have a history of accidents? If so, how have these been managed? Are there any preventive measures, such as policies?

Our Group Companies have not had any serious problems with work environment accidents. In 2023, a total of one accidents were reported to the Swedish Work Environment Authority. In 2022 two accidents, in 2021 no accidents, in 2020 two accidents. Security patrols at our Group Companies are documented and serious deficiencies are remedied.

• If applicable, state (the company)’s targets for gender and cultural equality and indicate the relevant split of men/women at every level of the firm, particularly the Board of Directors and management team.

Idun has not set any goals in this area.

  • Board of Directors – 20% women (one woman and four men)
  • Management team – 0% women (four men)
  • All employees – 21% women (190 women and 698 men)

The above compilation refers to the year 2023.

• Does (the company) conduct any community engagement activities aside from those directly connected to the business?

Several of our Group Companies support local social initiatives and the local community including e.g. sports clubs. In addition, Idun has centrally every year since 2015 supported Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) financially as a “Business Partner”. Some of the group companies have also individually provided financial support to MSF and similar organizations.

• How often does (the company) conduct audits of its suppliers? How often do you discover incidents not compliant with your code of conduct?

As of today, there is no code of conduct for suppliers, but Idun intends to introduce it in the future. Our Group Companies carry out supplier visits and reviews. No major sustainability related shortcomings have been identified as part of such work.


• Do all staff members receive continuing education on anti-corruption? Is there an external whistle-blower function? Are there any ongoing or historical incidents involving corruption, cartels or any other unethical business conduct? Have any preventive measures been taken?

Everyone at the parent company conducts annual training in anti-corruption.

Idun’s whistleblowing function is currently handled by the CFO of the parent company. The Company is considering introducing an external whistleblowing function.

• The company’s business tax residence:

The parent company has Sweden as tax domicile as Idun is primarily active in Sweden and invests in Swedish quality companies. Some of the group companies have foreign subsidiaries and then the subsidiaries’ profits are taxed in the countries where they operate. In addition to Sweden, operations in subsidiaries are conducted in Norway, Finland, Latvia, France, Lithuania and Hong Kong.

• Are there independent members of the Board of Directors?

Yes, three out of five members of the Board of Directors are independent to major shareholders and to the Company’s management.

• Please state if and to what extent, (the company) has transactions with related parties.

All material transactions with related parties are presented in the annual report for the Company.

• Which KPIs dictate the renumeration to management (are sustainability and diversity goals included)?

The remuneration levels for the CEO and management are in line with other industry colleagues. In the parent company, there is no performance-based remuneration. The remuneration is a fixed monthly salary with an annual revision. The CEO’s and management’s goals are to deliver on the Company’s financial goals. Idun applies the so-called “pilot school” to a greater extent than its industry colleagues, which means that the Group’s key employees are offered to become, and are, co-owners in the equity of the business. This likely means that on an overall level, cash compensation levels are lower than many industry colleagues as a substantial part of the potential for personal value growth lies in co-ownership, which is a cornerstone of our investment philosophy. This creates a superior interest alignment between management and external shareholders compared to most other similar companies.

• Describe the company’s process for monitoring and reporting ESG issues and performance to senior management/the Board. Confirm what KPIs are monitored (if any) and how frequently reporting is undertaken.

Given how small the parent company is, there is no individual sustainability manager, but it is an important issue for all eight employees in the parent company. The CFO has a coordinating role for the sustainability work at an overall level in the Group and the chairman of each group company is responsible for the work in each group company with follow-up, activities, etc. KPIs (in some cases ESG-linked) are set in each group company’s Board of Directors, but there is no central reporting.

• Have you signed a Union agreement:

Yes, most of our Group Companies have signed collective union agreements.

Shareholders' Meeting

Board of Directors

Adam Samuelsson

Working Chairman

Education: Harvard Business School, MBA; Stockholm School of Economics, MSc Finance and Economics

Other current positions: Chairman of EKAB Elkraftservice, Stegaföretagen and Idun Retail Services and various board assignments in Idun’s subsidiaries

Selection of previous positions: CEO of Idun Industrier AB (publ). Board Member and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Bufab AB (publ). Board Member and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Bulten AB (publ). Director, Nordic Capital. Analyst, Morgan Stanley

Shares in Idun: 3,110,240 series A shares and 181,397 series B shares (incl. related parties)

Board Member since 2013. Dependent in relation to Idun and its key management, dependent in relation to major shareholders

Ludwig Andreen

Board Member

Education: University of Lund, MSc in Business Administration

Other current positions: Investment Manager at Broviken Group. Board Member of Luliem Capital and Deputy Board Member of Aristo Capital

Selection of previous positions: SEB Investment Banking

Shares in Idun: 1,206,201 shares of series B (through company) and warrants to subscribe 3,000 series B shares

Board Member since 2013. Independent in relation to Idun and its key management, dependent in relation to major shareholders

Christina Fagerberg

Board Member

Education: Stockholm School of Economics, MSc

Other current positions: Board Member of Orkla ASA. Chairman of Fagerberg & Dellby, Fagerberg & Dellby Fond I and Fagerberg och Dellby Fond I Invest

Selection of previous positions: Board Member of Yrkesakademin, BIG BAG Group and Hagströmska Gymnasiet

Shares in Idun: 43,800 series B shares and warrants to subscribe 3,000 series B shares

Board Member since 2018. Independent in relation to Idun and key management, independent in relation to major shareholders

Johan Lindqvist

Board Member

Education: 4-year Technical upper secondary school

Other current positions: Vice President Bufab Group and Director Segment North since 2022, CEO and Board Member of Bufab Sweden. Chairman of Hallborn Metall, Rudhäll Industri, BUMAX, Magnetfabriken and Bufab Lann, and Board Member of Bufab International

Selection of previous positions: Several leading positions within the Bufab Group since 1998. Previous experience from Skanska and Primo

Shares in Idun: 1,000 series B shares and warrants to subscribe 1,000 series B shares

Board Member since 2021. Independent in relation to Idun and its management; independent in relation to major shareholders

Gunnar Tindberg

Board Member

Education: Engineer

Other current positions: CEO and Board Member of GT InduTechnologies AB

Selection of previous positions: CEO of Indutrade. Chairman of Idun Industrier AB (publ) and Board Member of Bufab AB (publ)

Shares in Idun: 70,162 series B shares and warrants to subscribe 3,000 series B shares

Board Member since 2013. Independent in relation to Idun and its management; independent in relation to major shareholders


Henrik Mella

Chief Executive Officer

Education: Stockholm School of Economics, MSc of Business and Economics

Other current positions: Chairman of Intermercato, Lennart Månsson International (LMI), Norotec, Sjöbergs Workbenches, Turab, Turbin- och Regulatorservice and Culina Products, and various board assignments in Idun’s subsidiaries

Selection of previous positions: CEO of Cale Group, Country Manager for ASSA Abloy Russia, Headquarter function at Husqvarna and Consultant at McKinsey

Shares in Idun: 173,630 series B shares and warrants to subscribe 19,000 series B shares (through company)

Employed since 2017

Karl-Emil Engström

Chief Business Development Officer and deputy CEO

Education: University of Stockholm, MSc Business Administration

Other current positions: Chairman of Eugen Wiberger, P&L Nordic, Triton Valsteknik and various board assignments in Idun’s subsidiaries

Selection of previous positions: Director of MVI and Board Member of Lakers Group. Interim CFO and Board Member of Great Security Holding AB. Auditor and Transaction Advisor at Grant Thornton

Shares in Idun: 140,000 series B shares and warrants to subscribe 15,200 series B shares

Employed since 2019

Richard Glückman

Chief Operating Officer

Education: Gothenburg School of Business, Economics and Law, BSc Management Accounting

Other current positions: Board Member of SMS Smart Media Solutions AB

Selection of previous positions: CEO of SMS Smart Media Solutions AB. CEO and Board Member of Evoko Unlimited AB

Shares in Idun: 15,000 series B shares and warrants to subscribe 15,000 series B shares

Employed since 2023

Oskar Samuelsson

Chief Financial Officer

Education: Gothenburg School of Business, Economics and Law, MSc Accounting and Controlling

Other roles: Chairman of 2B Best Business, Board Member of Turab, Turbin- och Regulatorservice, Stegaföretagen and Culina Products, and various board assignments in Idun’s subsidiaries

Selection of previous positions: CFO of Geomek Stockholms Geomekaniska and Vesper Group. Consultant at Deloitte

Shares in Idun: 80,000 series B shares and warrants to subscribe 7,500 series B shares

Employed since 2018

Jonas Sandström Estmalm

Chief Investment Officer

Education: Gothenburg School of Business, Economics and Law, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Industrial and Financial Management

Other current positions: Chairman of Prident AB, R Kjellbergs Plast, ILEMA Miljöanalys and Ståthöga MA Teknik, and various board assignments in Idun’s subsidiaries

Selection of previous positions: Chief Financial Officer of Idun Industrier AB (publ) and Board Member of Täby Airmaintenance Aktiebolag. Transaction Advisor at Grant Thornton

Shares in Idun: 160,060 series B shares (through company) and warrants to subscribe 12,000 series B shares

Employed since 2014

Adam Samuelsson

Working chairman

Education: Harvard Business School, MBA; Stockholm School of Economics, MSc Finance and Economics

Other current positions: Chairman of EKAB Elkraftservice, Stegaföretagen and Idun Retail Services and various board assignments in Idun’s subsidiaries

Selection of previous positions: CEO of Idun Industrier AB (publ). Board Member and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Bufab AB (publ). Board Member and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Bulten AB (publ). Director, Nordic Capital. Analyst, Morgan Stanley

Shares in Idun: 3,110,240 series A shares and 181,397 series B shares (incl. related parties)

Board Member since 2013. Dependent in relation to Idun and its key management, dependent in relation to major shareholders

Auditor and Certified Adviser


PwC was appointed at the AGM in May, 2024, until the next AGM in 2025. Henrik Boman is the Auditor in charge.

PwC Sverige, Torsgatan 21, 113 97 Stockholm


Idun’s Certified Adviser is Avanza Bank AB,, +46 (0)8 562 250 00

Avanza Bank AB, Regeringsgatan 103, SE-111 39 Stockholm


Owner Series A Series B Capital% Votes%
Adam Samuelsson 3,110,240 181,397 28.6% 79.2%
Alcur Fonder   1,000,036 8.7% 2.5%
Aristo Capital AG   809,510 7.0% 2.0%
David Mindus   717,060 6.2% 1.8%
Ulf Rosberg   655,705 5.7% 1.7%
Omar Alghanim   631,790 5.5% 1.6%
Avanza Pension   409,046 3.6% 1.0%
Luliem Capital AB   396,691 3.4% 1.0%
Danske Invest   300,621 2.6% 0.8%
Investment AB Spiltan   276,969 2.4% 0.7%
Ten largest shareholders 3,110,240 5,378,825 73.7% 92.3%
Residual   3,023,308 26.3% 7.7%
Total 3,110,240 8,402,133 100.0% 100.0%
Source Modular Finance AB, as of 12/30/2024        

Company structure

Bolag Land Ägarandel Indirekt ägarandel Förvärvad
Idun Industrier AB (publ) 556924-7009 SE     mar-13
Stegaföretagen AB 556974-9517 SE 49% 49% aug-14
◦Prowash Sverige AB 556788-6402 SE 100% 49% aug-14
◦◦Washtec Sverige AB 556461-2447 SE 100% 49% aug-14
◦Formac Production AB 556601-9831 SE 100% 49% feb-17
◦◦Formac AS 926716336 NO 100% 49% mar-21
◦◦Formac Oy 3450298-1 FI 100% 49% maj-24
◦Prowash Oy 0792340-6 FI 95% 46% jun-17
◦BS Kemi Aktiebolag 556524-4760 SE 80% 39% okt-18
◦◦Havoline Förvaltnings AB 556708-5708 SE 100% 39% feb-23
◦◦◦Havoline Kemi AB 556423-3400 SE 100% 39% feb-23
◦Alcon Högtryckstvättar Aktiebolag 556562-2940 SE 100% 49% apr-19
◦LP Lastbilstvätt AB 556932-4550 SE 80% 39% jun-21
◦◦LP Lastbilstvätt Fastighets AB 559429-6310 SE 100% 39% apr-23
◦◦LP Lastbilstvätt Vara AB 556758-8651 SE 100% 39% jun-23
◦◦Qways AB 559081-7515 SE 100% 39% mar-24
Idun Power Services AB 559005-4341 SE 90% 90% apr-15
◦EKAB Elkraftservice Aktiebolag 556379-8130 SE 90% 81% apr-15
Idun Attachments AB 559037-7650 SE 100% 100% dec-15
◦Intermercato AB 556417-8811 SE 84% 84% dec-15
◦◦T.I.G.E.R. SIA 40003333171 LV 77% 65% dec-15
◦◦Intermercato France SAS 530128396 FR 90% 76% dec-15
Idun Retail Services AB 559061-3773 SE 89% 89% maj-16
◦Better Business Sweden AB 556523-0157 SE 100% 89% feb-22
◦◦PreCont Bevakning AB 556856-8793 SE 100% 89% maj-16
◦◦PC Mystery Shopping AB 556708-2085 SE 100% 89% maj-16
◦Better Business AS 977034116 NO 100% 89% apr-17
◦◦Better Business Kompetanse AS 913422686 NO 100% 89% apr-17
Idun Agro AB 559114-6732 SE 95% 95% jun-17
◦Aktiebolaget Lennart Månsson International 556074-7585 SE 100% 95% jun-17
◦LMI Lager AB 556917-8188 SE 100% 95% jun-17
◦Norotec Holding AB 559104-3905 SE 64% 61% jun-19
◦◦Norotec AB 556777-1547 SE 100% 61% jun-19
Idun Specialty Components AB 559115-3381 SE 96% 96% jun-17
◦R Kjellbergs Plast AB 556919-2700 SE 95% 91% jun-17
◦Idun Uno AB 559137-4755 SE 95% 91% dec-17
◦Idun Åsen AB 559309-6034 SE 95% 91% mar-21
Idun Woodcraft AB 559144-5761 SE 97% 97% feb-18
◦Sjöbergs Workbenches AB 556085-1825 SE 100% 97% feb-18
Idun Hydropower AB 559157-4818 SE 94% 94% jul-18
◦Turab, Turbin- och Regulatorservice AB 556114-8643 SE 100% 94% jul-18
Idun 167 AB 559176-4088 SE 100% 100% okt-18
Idun Profile AB 559179-6080 SE 90% 90% nov-18
◦Prident Management AB 556487-8717 SE 100% 90% jan-19
◦◦Prident AB 556201-1261 SE 100% 90% jan-19
Idun Cleantech AB 559203-4143 SE 97% 97% apr-19
◦BIA Cleantech AB 556491-7002 SE 100% 97% maj-19
Idun Industrial Maintenance AB 559232-7901 SE 100% 100% dec-19
◦Ståthöga MA Teknik AB 556341-5297 SE 70% 70% jan-21
◦Stathoga AB 556657-2565 SE 100% 100% jan-21
Idun Mekaniska Komponenter AB 559288-7938 SE 96% 96% nov-20
◦Eugen Wiberger Aktiebolag 556183-5769 SE 71% 68% maj-21
◦◦Wiberger AS 931825038 NO 100% 68% jun-23
Idun Meta AB 559314-2937 SE 97% 97% apr-21
◦Culina Products AB 559315-2704 SE 90% 87% maj-21
◦◦Molins Rostfria AB 556743-8386 SE 100% 87% maj-21
◦◦Nordic Tech Industry AB 556672-9454 SE 100% 87% maj-21
◦◦Conscisco AB 556621-0430 SE 100% 87% maj-21
◦◦◦UAB Metalo Koncepcija 225858560 LT 90% 79% maj-21
◦◦Main Capital (H.K.) Limited 944780 HK 100% 87% maj-21
◦◦Maskinkonstruktioner i Göteborg Aktiebolag 556064-1929 SE 77% 67% maj-22
◦◦ElektroTermo AB 556312-0558 SE 92% 80% jan-23
◦◦UV tech AB 556663-2633 SE 92% 80% jan-23
◦◦Agrum AB 556470-7429 SE 92% 80% jan-23
Idun Proto AB 559314-2804 SE 100% 100% apr-21
◦P&L Nordic AB 556353-2521 SE 70% 70% jun-21
Idun Industrial Components AB 559342-0762 SE 95% 95% okt-21
◦2 B Best Business AB 556665-6855 SE 70% 67% dec-21
Idun Process Industry AB 559380-7539 SE 100% 100% maj-22
◦Triton Valsteknik AB 556523-9810 SE 100% 100% jul-22
◦◦Löfman & Co Verkstad AB 556396-4708 SE 100% 100% jul-22
◦◦TLI Industrihotell AB 559255-3662 SE 100% 100% jul-22
Idun Environmental Services AB 559383-6959 SE 94% 94% jun-22
◦ILEMA Miljöanalys Aktiebolag 556441-2491 SE 71% 67% jul-22
Idun Wood AB 559419-1636 SE 96% 96% jan-23
◦Fredahl Rydéns Holding AB 556828-7022 SE 76% 73% mar-23
◦◦Fredahl Aktiebolag 556217-5389 SE 100% 73% mar-23
◦◦◦Tommerup Heilskov ApS 52846714 DK 90% 65% mar-23
◦◦◦Trostrud-Freno AS 928909107 NO 95% 69% mar-23
◦◦◦Aktiv Byråservice i Stockholm AB(1) 556631-7425 SE 100% 73% mar-23
◦◦Rydéns i Nybro Aktiebolag 556040-4419 SE 100% 73% mar-23
◦◦Fredahl Rydéns AB 556973-4758 SE 100% 73% mar-23
◦◦Trygga Begravningsbyrån i Stockholm AB 559282-5342 SE 100% 73% mar-23
◦◦ETERNAL MEMORIES AB 556984-9101 SE 87% 64% mar-23
◦◦Nilssons Trämanufaktur AB 556800-8279 SE 100% 73% mar-23
◦◦◦Nilssons Trämanufaktur ApS 39970821 DK 100% 73% mar-23
Ovan uppgifter per 30 september 2024          
(1) Ägs 50%/50% av Fredahl Aktiebolag och Rydéns i Nybro Aktiebolag          



Viktig information

Åtkomst till informationen och dokumenten på denna del av Idun Industrier AB (publ):s (”Bolaget”) webbplats är begränsad av regulatoriska skäl. Du uppmanas att granska följande information och lämna följande bekräftelse varje gång du söker få åtkomst till denna begränsade information. Din bekräftelse måste vara korrekt och rättvisande.

Informationen och dokumenten på denna del av Bolagets webbplats är endast avsedd för, och får enbart åtkommas av, distribueras eller spridas, direkt eller indirekt, helt eller delvis, till allmänheten i Sverige och till institutionella investerare i Sverige och internationellt i enlighet med gällande regler och tillämpliga undantag.

Informationen och dokumenten på denna del av Bolagets webbplats är inte avsedd för, och får inte, direkt eller indirekt, helt eller delvis, publiceras eller distribueras eller spridas till personer som bor eller befinner sig i Australien, Hong Kong, Japan, Kanada, Nya Zeeland, Schweiz, Singapore, Sydafrika eller USA eller någon annan jurisdiktion där sådan åtgärd kan utgöra brott mot lokala värdepapperslagar eller bestämmelser, och utgör inte ett erbjudande att sälja, eller en anfordran om att lämna ett erbjudande att köpa eller förvärva, aktier eller andra värdepapper i Bolaget i Australien, Hong Kong, Japan, Kanada, Nya Zeeland, Schweiz, Singapore, Sydafrika eller USA eller någon annan jurisdiktion där sådan åtgärd kan utgöra brott mot lokala värdepapperslagar eller bestämmelser i sådan jurisdiktion.

Aktierna som omnämns på denna webbplats (”Värdepapperna”) har inte registrerats och kommer inte att registreras enligt United States Securities Act från 1933 i dess nuvarande lydelse (”Securities Act”) eller enligt värdepapperslagstiftningen i någon delstat eller annan jurisdiktion i USA och får inte erbjudas, säljas eller på annat sätt överföras, direkt eller indirekt, i eller till USA, förutom enligt ett tillämpligt undantag från eller genom en transaktion som inte omfattas av registreringskraven i Securities Act och i enlighet med värdepapperslagstiftningen i relevant delstat eller annan jurisdiktion i USA. Det kommer inte att genomföras något erbjudande till allmänheten i USA. Värdepapperen har varken godkänts eller underkänts av amerikanska Securities and Exchange Commission, någon delstatlig värdepappersmyndighet eller annan myndighet i USA. Inte heller har någon sådan myndighet bedömt eller uttalat sig om riktigheten eller tillförlitligheten av prospektet. Att påstå motsatsen kan utgöra en brottslig handling i USA.

I Storbritannien får informationen och dokumenten på denna del av Bolagets webbplats distribueras och riktas endast till (i) professionella investerare som omfattas av artikel 19 (5) i Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) (”Ordern”), (ii) kapitalstarka enheter (Eng. high net-worth entities) enligt artikel 49 (2) (a) till (d) i Ordern, och (iii) andra personer till vilka informationen och dokumenten lagligen kan delges (alla sådana personer benämns gemensamt (”Relevanta Personer”). Informationen på denna del av Bolagets webbplats riktar sig endast till Relevanta Personer och får inte användas eller åberopas av personer som inte är Relevanta Personer.

Värdepapperna har vidare inte registrerats och kommer inte att registreras enligt någon tillämplig värdepapperslagstiftning i Australien, Hong Kong, Japan, Kanada, Nya Zeeland, Schweiz, Singapore eller Sydafrika och får, med vissa undantag, inte erbjudas eller säljas till eller inom, eller för en persons räkning eller till förmån för en person som är folkbokförd, befinner sig eller är bosatt i Australien, Hong Kong, Japan, Kanada, Nya Zeeland, Schweiz, Singapore eller Sydafrika. Det kommer inte lämnas något erbjudande till allmänheten i Australien, Hong Kong, Japan, Kanada, Nya Zeeland, Schweiz, Singapore eller Sydafrika att förvärva Värdepapperna.

Inom det Europeiska ekonomiska samarbetsområdet (”EES”) lämnas inget erbjudande till allmänheten av aktier i andra jurisdiktioner än Sverige. I andra medlemsländer i EES i vilka Europaparlamentets och Rådets Förordning (EU) 2017/1129 (”Prospektförordningen”) gäller, direkt eller genom implementering, kan ett sådant erbjudande endast lämnas i enlighet med undantag i Prospektförordningen.

Åtkomst till informationen och dokumenten på denna del av Bolagets webbplats kan vara olaglig i vissa jurisdiktioner, och endast vissa kategorier av personer kan tillåtas åtkomst till denna information och dessa dokument. Samtliga personer som önskar åtkomst till informationen och dokumenten på denna del av Bolagets webbplatsen måste först försäkra sig om att de inte är föremål för lokala lagar eller bestämmelser som förbjuder eller inskränker deras rätt till åtkomst av denna del av webbplatsen, eller om deras förvärv av Värdepapperen kräver registrering eller godkännande. Sådan registrering eller sådant godkännande kommer inte inhämtas. Bolaget tar inget ansvar för någon persons brott mot tillämpliga lagar och bestämmelser.

Om du är obehörig att ta del av informationen och dokumenten på denna del av Bolagets webbplats, eller om du är tveksam huruvida du är behörig att ta del av denna information och dessa dokument, vänligen lämna denna del av Bolagets webbplats.

Härmed bekräftar jag att:

•Jag inte befinner mig i, eller har hemvist i Australien, Hong Kong, Japan, Kanada, Nya Zeeland, Schweiz, Singapore eller Sydafrika;

• Jag är behörig att ta del av information och dokumentation som finns på den här delen av webbplatsen utan några legala restriktioner och utan att Bolaget behöver vidta några åtgärder;

• Jag inte kommer att överföra eller sända information från den här webbplatsen till publikationer med spridning i USA; och

• Jag har läst, förstått och samtycker till att följa samtliga restriktioner som framgår ovan.


No action is being taken in any jurisdiction that would or is intended to permit a public offering of the bonds or the possession, circulation or distribution of any document or other material relating to Idun or the Bonds in any jurisdiction other than Sweden, where action for that purpose is required. Persons into whose possession this document comes are required to inform themselves about, and to observe, such restrictions.

The Bonds have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and are subject to U.S. tax law requirements. The Bonds may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United States of America or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons.


Henrik Mella

Chief Executive Officer

  • Phone: 070 - 660 63 40
  • Email:

Oskar Samuelsson


  • Phone: 070 - 966 13 25
  • Email:


Robert Redin, Analyst at Carnegie, +46 8 5886 86 14,
